Yikes, the winter is finally here. The fire bucket is barely warm enough ,BETTY BOOP has 9 layers of clothing on and Mixo is wearing a long sleeved tee shirt. So here we are at Telopea park. CRASH and BURN arrived two hours early and hung around the public toilets hoping for some action. Then it got dark and the hash arrived, thus ending any chance of a secret liaison. SCARLETT reported that the run was simply a backwards version of a run that he did two weeks ago. No one else in the circle could remember back that far. TOY BOY spent the walk catching up on Foreign Affairs gossip with DICKHEAD2 as they passed all the government buildings in Forest and Barton. ANKLE BITER took most of the pack on a 2km shortcut to the drink stop. - Returnees were: PIGS ARSE, SIMON from DEAKIN, MARILIN (sic), DANGLES POPTART and DICKHEAD2 - Charges: CRAFT for false calling, CRASH and BURN for being his own one man benny hill show, SIMON from DEAKIN for not calling, AB and C&B for being twins, and JR and DUCKHEAD for leading the Dopey Mole collective astray. - TRASH got clobbered for not bringing the recycling bucket. - The big prick went to ANKLE BITER for gobbing on. - The dummy spit award went to ……wait for it…….POP TART - Finally 100 mugs were awarded to TRASH, RAMBOFISHFINGER, CRASH and BURN, DANGLES, POPTART and BETTY BOOP. Well done all. CRASH and BURN wanted to know why his mug has “Property of Saint Andrews Cathedral” on it??? - Cracker of the week went to SIMON from DEAKIN because the poms have been prolific non losers this week. - FLUID MOVEMENT was charged for not cumming enough - ANKLE BITER celebrated his 40th year of not being “fragged by own troops“ - HF celebrated his 50th birthday, and not for the first time. - Runniversaries: FOX 99, CENTREFOLD 464, CRAFT 21 and TRASH 222 All in all a great night, good effort from GOBBLES, good nosh On ON